Dear Parent/Caregiver/Community Member: Our students are our most important resources. We share a common goal— educating children to become active, productive, and happy contributing community members. Many children need individualized attention and you have had varied experiences that can help our children achieve. YOU can help many of our children in Head Start.
We need volunteers to help teachers in ways that will allow her/him to provide more personal assistance to our children. Delta Community Action volunteer program supports our students, our teachers, and our Head Start and Early Head Start Centers.
Each Head Start/Early Head Start Center designates one Volunteer Coordinator who is supported by the Head Start/Early Head Start Volunteer, Parent, Family Partnership Engagement Program and who functions in that role under the direction of the Center Supervisor.
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer at one of our centers, we will be delighted to hear from you. Please call 318.574.2130 or 318.574.2130 for more information.