People helping people!

The following are the Community Service Block Grant Goals Report presented to the Board and communities on March 26, 2024.

Agency:Delta CAA, Inc.             
Type of Report:Results By Quarter           
Type of Action: 2024 Individuals Characteristics 2nd Quarter           
        1st Quarter2nd Quarter3rd Quarter4th QuarterTotalPercent AchievedTotal Individuals Served
Employment Indicators              
FNPI 1aThe number of unemployed youth who obtained employment to gain skills or income.GOAL:0 0 0   0%0
       ACTUAL:0      0
FNPI 1eThe number of unemployed adults who obtained employment (with a living wage or higher).GOAL:1 1 0  250%2
  ACTUAL:1 1    2
Education & Cognitive Development Indicators              
FNPI 2b The number of children (0-5) who demonstrated skills for School Readiness .GOAL:0 0 80 0800%442
       ACTUAL:0 0 0 00
FNPI 2hThe number of individuals who obtained a recognized Credential, Certificate or Degree relating to the achievement of Educational or Vocational Skills.GOAL:1 1 1 0367%3
  ACTUAL:1 1    2
Housing Indicators                 
FNPI 4eIndividuals/families will receive CSBG Emergency Assistance to avoid eviction and/or homelessness.GOAL1 1 1 030%2
  ACTUAL:0 0    0
FNPI 4hThe number of households with improved energy efficiency and/or energy burden reduction in their home.GOAL0 70 80 015050%648
       ACTUAL:0 75    75
Health and Social/Behavioral Development Indicators              
FNPI 5z.1The number of individuals who maintain greater nutrition stability.GOAL0 30 30 06050%30
       ACTUAL:0 30     
Civic Engagement and Community Involvement Indicators              
FNPI 6z.1The number of Early childhood community partners who increased skills, knowledge, and abilities to enable them to work with Community Action to improve conditions of Early Childhood in the community.GOAL0 0 0 550%5
       ACTUAL:0 0    0